Sloppy Joe Grilled Burritos

Looking for a very simple and easy to prepare Sloppy Joe Grilled Burritos recipe? This one is the best ever!

A great, tangy take on the traditional bean burrito with Sloppy Joe filling. Very simple and quick to prepare and mild enough that kids love it.

Ingredients And How To Make It

Over Med High heat

brown 2lbs seasoned Ground Beef.

Add chopped

2 T onion

red & green bell peppers last 5 mins of cooking.

In a bowl mix 1/2 C Ketchup

3 T Worcestershire Sauce & 2 tsps of Brown Sugar


onion powder & pepper.

Blend well.

Pour over beef

keep warm.

Using large flour tortillas

add mixture to center.

Add melted cheese (heat 2 C cheese with, 1/3 C milk, 1 T Butter, CheeseSauce)

Pour on top with shredded cheese.

Fold over into a burrito and fry with 1 T Oil for 1 min per side! Serve hot!!

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