Everyday Recipes

Creamy Cucumber Salad

Creamy Cucumber Salad

°3 cucumbers peeled and thinly sliced
°1/2 red onion thinly sliced
°15 ml (1 tbsp.) salt
°125 ml (1/2 cup) sour cream
°5 ml (1 tbsp.) lemon juice
°30 ml (2 tbsp.) chop dill
°pepper to taste
In a salad bowl, place the slices of cucumber and red onion. Salt and stir well. Leave to cool for 15 minutes.
In a bowl, mix sour cream with lemon juice and dill. Pepper and stir.
Remove the water from the cucumbers and red onion by squeezing them with your hands. Return to the bowl and pour in the sour cream mixture. Stir. Refrigerate 31 min before serve .
Enjoy !
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