Everyday Recipes

Chocolate Peanut Butter Marie Biscuit Sandwiches

Yes, ’tis the season for cookie exchanges, holiday get-togethers laden with treats, or if you are like me…graduation parties for one of our best friends named Cookie!!

In fact, I am typing this on my way to surprise him with a cookie bar party!!! It’s going to be epic! I wish I had time to give you all of the recipes I used for cookies, but this is one of my favorites so I will at least share it with you!! Simple, a classic flavor combo that is super popular…and pretty cheap too I must say!! Without the hassle of measuring flour or firmly packing sugar or not over mixing!! I can sum it up in 3 steps:

Spread, squish, dip!!

So, here’s what you need:

*Ritz crackers (I used 2 rolls and ended up with about 30 sammiches)
*Peanut Butter (1/4-1/2 of an average size jar)
*1 package Chocolate Almond Bark

And here’s how you do it:

1) Smudge a generous amount of peanut butter on the flat side of one ritz.
2) Using the flat side of another ritz, smoosh it down till the peanut butter reaches the edges of the crackers!
3) Put almond bark in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave for 90 seconds, and stir. Microwave in 15-second increments, stirring each time, until there are no solids left.
4) Dunk each sammich in chocolate until coated. Shake off excess chocolate and place on wax paper. If you are in a hurry like I was, place in your freezer for a couple of minutes until the coating is set.

And you’re ready!! Easy peasy!!!


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